Karanikolova, M. (2019). Fashion Influencers decoded. Therole of social media influencers in luxury fashion houses development,marketing and PR strategies. 10.13140/RG.2.2.33045.88807.
According to Karanikolova, M. (2019), influencers are becoming active creators of content and products introduced to consumers. Today, brands are bringing in-house influencers such as stylists, creative directors, and designers to collaborate and intertwine their visions and share their perspectives to captivate in small parts of the plot and expand the narration across the media. The transmedia strategy aimed at merging the old marketing and innovation is being used by brands not entirely to promote their product but to make sure the created story/narration is a part of the product. Thus, the product brings the story to life and as well carries the narrationwithin and ends p enhancing its overall value. There is a new trend in today’ssociety since modern consumers are seeking to have an emotional relationship with brands. As a means of addressing the customer needs brands are now employing emotional branding to enhance engagement. It is crucial to not that the consumer buys into the dream, coming from his/her personal feelings and familiarity with the brand (Karanikolova, 2019). Such strategies as collaborating with celebrities and having them pose with the product have had significant impact on brands. The move is believed to be capable of prompting consumers decisions and creating loyal clients due to the human connection.
Digital assets are subject to a number of risks, including price volatility. Transacting in digital assets could result in significant losses and may not be suitable for some consumers. Digital asset markets and exchanges are not regulated with the same controls or costumers protections avaliable with other forms of financial products are subject to an evolving regulatory environment. Digital assets do not tipically have legal tender status and are not covered by deposit protections insurance. The past performance of a digital asset is not a guide to future performance, nor is it a reliable indicator of future results or performance. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the proprietary property of their respective owners.
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